The Most Famous Circus Performer, Ranked

Choose the circus performer you think is the most famous!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on May 27, 2024 07:40
Choosing the most celebrated circus performer can be an intriguing task since the world of the circus is rich with extraordinary talent and diverse acts. From awe-inspiring aerialists to comedic clowns and daring animal trainers, each performer brings a unique flair to the ring. By ranking these performers, we can create a tribute to those who have dazzled and entertained audiences globally. Your vote helps to highlight the skills and attributes that make a circus performer stand out. This dynamic list reflects the opinions and preferences of circus lovers from all around the world. As votes are cast, the list adjusts in real-time, continually shaping a clear picture of the top talents based on popular opinion.

Who Is the Most Famous Circus Performer?

  1. 1

    P.T. Barnum

    An American showman, politician, and businessman remembered for promoting celebrated hoaxes and for founding the Barnum & Bailey Circus.
    • Full Name: Phineas Taylor Barnum
    • Born: July 5, 1810
    • Died: April 7, 1891
  2. 2

    Emmett Kelly

    An American circus performer, who created the memorable clown character 'Weary Willie', based on the hobos of the Great Depression.
    • Born: December 9, 1898
    • Died: March 28, 1979
  3. 3

    Zacchini Brothers

    Famous for their human cannonball act, the Zacchini Brothers were a sensation in the circus world, thrilling audiences with their daring performances.
    • Origin: Italy
    • Act Invention Year: 1922
  4. 4

    The Flying Wallendas

    A famous group of circus tightrope walkers known for performing high wire acts without a safety net.
    • Founder: Karl Wallenda
    • Founded: 1922
  5. 5

    Lillian Leitzel

    A German-born circus performer who was famous for her aerial ring performances. She was one of the stars of the Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus.
    • Born: January 2, 1892
    • Died: February 15, 1931
  6. 6


    A famous circus elephant who was the star of Barnum & Bailey Circus. He became one of the most famous animals in the world.
    • Species: African Bush Elephant
    • Born: 1860
    • Died: September 15, 1885
  7. 7

    Annie Oakley

    An American sharpshooter and exhibition shooter. Oakley's amazing talent and timely rise to fame led to a starring role in Buffalo Bill's Wild West show.
    • Full Name: Phoebe Ann Mosey
    • Born: August 13, 1860
    • Died: November 3, 1926
  8. 8

    James Anthony Bailey

    An American circus ringmaster and one of the founders of the Barnum & Bailey Circus.
    • Full Name: James Anthony McGinnis
    • Born: July 4, 1847
    • Died: April 11, 1906
  9. 9

    Mabel Stark

    One of the first female tiger trainers in the circus world, known for her daring performances with big cats.
    • Born: December 10, 1889
    • Died: April 20, 1968

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most famous circus performer. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or artist is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 270 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each artist once every 24 hours. The rank of each artist is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

Additional Information

More about the Most Famous Circus Performer

P.T. Barnum
Rank #1 for the most famous circus performer: P.T. Barnum (Source)
The circus has long been a place of wonder and excitement. Filled with dazzling acts, it offers a world where the impossible becomes possible. At the heart of this spectacle stands the circus performer. These individuals bring life to the big top with their skills and charisma.

Circus performers come from diverse backgrounds. Many start young, drawn by the lure of the ring. They train for years, mastering their craft. Their skills range from acrobatics to juggling, from clowning to tightrope walking. Each performer adds a unique touch to the show.

The life of a circus performer is not easy. It demands dedication and hard work. They often face physical risks. Injuries are common, but they push through, driven by passion. Their commitment to their art is evident in every performance.

Circus performers travel a lot. The circus moves from town to town, bringing joy to new audiences. This nomadic lifestyle means they spend much time away from home. They form close bonds with their fellow performers, creating a family on the road.

Costumes play a big role in the circus. Performers wear bright, eye-catching outfits. These costumes enhance their acts, adding to the magic. Each piece is carefully designed to suit the performer and their act.

Animals have also been a part of the circus for a long time. Performers work with them, creating acts that amaze the crowd. This bond between human and animal is built on trust and respect. However, the use of animals in circuses has become a topic of debate in recent years.

Music is another key element. It sets the mood and pace of the show. Performers move in sync with the music, creating a harmonious blend of sound and action. The music helps to heighten the drama and excitement of each act.

The audience plays a crucial role in the circus. Their reactions fuel the performers, driving them to give their best. The cheers and applause create an electric atmosphere under the big top.

Circus performers often have a signature act. This is the highlight of their performance, the moment that leaves the audience in awe. These acts require immense skill and precision. They are often the result of years of practice and refinement.

Innovation is key in the circus world. Performers constantly seek new ways to amaze their audience. They push the boundaries of what is possible, creating new and thrilling acts. This drive for innovation keeps the circus fresh and exciting.

The legacy of circus performers is rich and varied. They have entertained generations, leaving a lasting impact on popular culture. Their influence can be seen in many forms of entertainment today.

In conclusion, circus performers are the heart of the circus. Their dedication, skill, and passion bring joy to countless people. They create a world of wonder and excitement, where the extraordinary becomes ordinary. Their legacy will continue to inspire and entertain for years to come.

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